The Anima Mundi School is a center for learning, research and reclaiming of the deep feminine & connection to the Anima Mundi—the World Soul, supported by and grounded in the psychology of Carl G. Jung.

The Anima Mundi School is a center for learning, research and reclaiming of the deep feminine & connection to the Anima Mundi—the World Soul, supported by and grounded in the psychology of Carl G. Jung.
Our online short-course — Through this module, you will learn the cornerstones of Dreamwork and the structures of the psyche according to Carl G. Jung. You will be given tools to understand the world of dreams and how to relate to them. This course is designed to help you understand and get in touch with your psyche, and is ideal for those who have a strong dreamworld, or would like to establish this relationship more. Click here for more info and registration for this course.
Our root course— This 9 month journey is our “root course”, as it was how the beginnings of the Anima Mundi School was seeded and nourished in the first years of our work. It offers both a framework and preparation for the 3-year long immersion and research training. You can decide to continue the training after finishing this Course. To be able to join the Mythical Feminine course, we ask that you either complete the Way of the Dream Course, or plan at least 3 months ahead individual sessions as means of preparation. This will give you both inner and outer tools to understand the world of psyche, and the framework of Jungian Analysis which is at the core of this course. Click here to learn more about this Course. The cohort of 2023-2024 will be the last time this is offered in this shape and form. Please register your interest if you would like to be updated about how and in what shape this course comes back.
Finding your Red Shoes —The program is multi-layered. It is designed to unearth the instinctual wisdom innate to the feminine supported by a Jungian framework. The uncovering of our roots brings with it both the experience of the unconscious and from this, a growing into our work and place in the world.
On the path of individuation, we each go through a unique experience of the unconscious, and the uncovering of our roots also brings with it a work and place in the world. There is a way to work ‘bottom-up’ instead of ‘top-down’: we allow our feet, our roots—our instinctual wisdom, to reveal to us the work we are meant to do or a different way of doing the work we currently do. This is different for each of us: some are meant to work in the arts, in therapy or as creative entrepreneurs. The foundation will be your studying of the Jungian authors and teachers, and learning about the ‘Mundus Imaginalis’ through becoming familiar with Dreamwork, mythology and the creative arts.
Click here to read more about this Training. (Starting in September 2024)
off-line Short-Courses — We offer both day-workshops and an in depth learning week every year. Stay updated through our Newsletter to learn more. Most of our in-person learning modules are given in Amsterdam, The Netherlands or in Belgium.