The Anima Mundi School is a center for learning, research and reclaiming of the deep feminine & connection to the Anima Mundi—the World Soul, supported by and grounded in the psychology of Carl G. Jung.

The Anima Mundi School is a center for learning, research and reclaiming of the deep feminine & connection to the Anima Mundi—the World Soul, supported by and grounded in the psychology of Carl G. Jung.
A 7-week online course with online Zoom gatherings, individual one-on-one dreamwork, group-sessions and videos to help the dreamer understand and work with the material of his or her own dreamworld. The course offers both a basic theoretical understanding of dreamwork as well as individual attention and sessions with each dreamers own material.
The total hours of this course, including all classes, online audio-classes and creative assignments are approximately 2 hours / week. This excludes your individual sessions.
Enter email to register or to stay updated. Limited space due to the in-depth individual work done with each student.
The total 8-week investment is 390,- euros which include:
6 live online Zoom classes on the theme of the week with group-dreamwork
2 private Jungian Dreamwork sessions (30 min each)
access to all extra material (videos and other class material)
Time investment:
Course material (self)study: total of 18 hours
Live classes: total of 7 hours
1. Dreamwork 101 - Introduction
In this module, we will dive into what dreams are, where they come from and various ways to work with dreams. As a Jungian researcher I focus on a Jungian approach to dreams weaved with the wisdom of a mystical perspective for the Soul's relationship to the Divine. The latter comes from my commitment to the Sufi path, and learning to distinguish psychological dreams from dreams with a strong mystical hint. In this module, we will learn to differentiate between various dreams and how to work with them.
2. The Shadow - the Wisdom of the Dark: working with nightmares
In the second week, I will take you to the heart of dreamwork: our unconscious shadow aspects showing up in dream images or dark figures. We will learn about the Shadow, nightmares and dark dreams and how to work with them.
3. Projection 101
In this module, we will dive into the complex but important material of 'projection' - a term coined by Carl Jung and very important for our inner work as well as our outer relationships. What is projection and how do you recognise it in your dreams?
4. The Feminine in dreams: Anima, the Mother and the feminine archetypes
In week 4 and 5 we dive into one of the deepest and richest materials in dreamland: the feminine and its many faces. How does the Feminine appear in women's and men's dreams. What is the Anima figure for men, how does the feminine archetypes appear for women. An important element of this world is our focus on the Anima Mundi; The Soul of the World. Who is She and how can we recognise her messages in our dreams?
5. The Masculine in dreams: Animus, the Father and the male archetypes
In week 5 and 6 we will dive into the counterpart, the masculine side of creation in dreams. Who is the Animus and why is it Important for women to connect to this figure? How does the Father complex appear in mens dreams and what male inner-world figures are important to understand and work with in our dreams?
6. Creativity and the world of the Self.
In the last week we will dive into 'creativity' in dreams and re-birth symbols in the dreamworld. What does it mean to be pregnant in a dream, or to have a baby? How do we nourish something new born in our psyche and how does the inner world help us in our work or creativity? How to distinguish a creative new project and the symbolism of the (higher) Self in dreams?
Faranak Mirjalili is the founder and one of the teachers at the Anima Mundi School. Her current work and research revolve around connecting individual psychology to collective patterns in mythology and how active participation in myth within a group context can help both the individual as well as the objective psyche transform during the therapeutic process. She is passionate about the post-Jungian thought of helping free the psyche from the traditional therapy room and giving it back to the World Soul, while respecting the need for a sealed therapeutic container individually.
She is the founder of the Anima Mundi School where she works with a small collective of women from various fields that bring together depth-psychology, anthropology, the mythic imagination, and the creative arts.